Donation Rewards at CSL Plasma
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your first month as a new donor
Earn loyalty points to redeem for cash back when you join our iGive Rewards® program.
As Easy as 1, 2, 3
After your first donation, your payment will be loaded onto a prepaid cardprepaid card, similar to a debit card.
Deposits are automatic
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Deposits are automatic
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Receive iGive points for each donation
Receive points for every completed donation.
Receive points for every completed donation.
Did you know?
With iGive Rewards®, you can receive points when you refer your friends to donate.
Donor Stories
Learn why our donors Do the Amazing at CSL Plasma
I look forward to the feeling I get when I leave the donation center knowing I’m making a difference. Plasma donation is a great way to give back and support others in need.
After hearing about how plasma can help others as well as researching reasons myself, donating plasma eventually became more than just the rewards.
Think about the many lives you are saving and improving with every drop of plasma you are donating. Donating plasma is something to be proud of.